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As part of the family day – Sunday 29 May

Sunday 29 May 2022 at 10.30am and 2pm
Andenne Cultural Centre, rue de la papeterie, 2A – 5300 Andenne

T’erres-performance (performance from the show Terre Ô) by Compagnie Nyash – Contemporary dance performance in contact with the earth

T’erres as wandering, crossing, passage… Landscapes that change… Lands that erode, move…
In a body to body encounter with clay, in all its states, a dancer and a musician tell of places of life, resistance, common places, imaginary places.
Matter, body and sound seek to dialogue, confront each other, sometimes collide. Together, they explore unexpected paths and invite the audience to conquer these new territories with them.

Info :
Location: Andenne Cultural Centre
Date : Sunday 29 May 2022 at 10.30am and 2pm
Public: from 2.5 years old
Price: 5 euros

Show and workshop can be booked on 085/84.36.40 or on  www.centreculturelandenne.be

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